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Call for event submissions for Festival of Debate 2022

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Got an idea for an event? We want to hear from you!

Submit your event ideas now for consideration in our 2022 programme. Please provide as much information as you can to help us make a decision.

Our decisions will be based on a desire for a wide-reaching programme, with a diverse range of speakers and topic areas that speak to the key social, economic and political issues of the day. Although the programme can and should include elected members, all events should be topic-based as opposed to being party political.

Festival of Debate 2022 will take place from 19th April - 29th May. All events must take place during this period.

The deadline for event submission is 17th December 2021. We will let you know if your event has been chosen on 6th January 2022.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].