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Shasta Ashraf

I started my career as a solicitor specialising in construction law (yawn…) and sensibly abandoned law to move into the charity sector over a decade ago. My entire career in the charity sector began and has remained with SHC - working as a Community Fundraiser, Trust Fundraiser, Grants Manager, Head of Grants and currently a Director of Grants.

From the outset I wanted to work in grants, as it allows me to work with people who have an idea / aspiration / dream and make it a reality! That is the power of charitable funding and I get to see its impact every day. Distributing charitable funds within the NHS is particularly rewarding as ‘basic’ in the NHS is surprisingly low.

Living and working in Sheffield means that SHC’s impact is constantly being experienced by family and friends, which is a wonderful feeling - evidencing that our work really does matter.

Outside of work, I am married to a police officer - he jokes that my career allows me to live in a happy bubble, whilst his most definitely does not! - with 2 children who are worryingly close to becoming teenagers. I love travelling, cooking dishes I have tasted in over-priced restaurants to prove that I can make them better and, If I could, I would spend a rainy day reading and drinking coffee but said children mean that getting 15 minutes would be considered a win!