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Jason Hickel: Degrowth - a 21st century revolution

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Jason Hickel

In association with Global Justice Now.

Our current obsession with growth is driving dangerous climate change and ecological breakdown. Elites lead lives of unbelievable luxury, while billions of people around the world live in conditions of deprivation, and in the UK one in three children live in poverty. The myth that economic growth can redress these realities is one that the Labour government, South Yorkshire's Mayor, and Sheffield City Council all promote – but are they correct to do so?

In this talk, Jason Hickel, a world-renowned political economist, will answer this question. He and his team have shown how the wealth from economic growth is captured for the benefit of capital accumulation, rather than addressing the needs of people and the planet. He will expose the reality of worsening inequality, which will increase in this next phase of oligarchic capitalism, and how environmental breakdown will only become more devastating.

If we want to tackle global and social injustice, and the climate and ecological emergencies together, we need to transform the current political and economic system. Jason will present a powerful set of policies that would allow a good standard of living for everyone, eliminate poverty immediately, and make climate targets easily achievable. But a political movement is required to implement them.

The conversation will be chaired by Nick Dearden, director of Global Justice Now, and we will discuss a plan for an eco-socialist future: keeping resource use within earth’s ecological limits, using technology that benefits people rather than profit, and through politics that enhances community wellbeing.

Doors 6.30pm, start time 7pm

Accessibility information for the Pennine Lecture Theatre can be found here. If you have any questions regarding accessibility for this event, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].


Jason Hickel is an author and ICREA Professor ICTA-UAB at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, visiting Professor at LSE, and on the advisory board of Green New Deal for Europe. He is author of The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions (Penguin, 2017), and Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World (Penguin, 2020). He publishes widely in academic journals and for publications such as The Guardian and Monthly Review Press. Jason presently holds an ERC Synergy grant for research exploring novel pathways for radical climate mitigation, economic democracy, and post-capitalist transition. He is originally from Eswatini.


Nick Dearden is the director of Global Justice Now. He has been a campaigner against corporate globalisation and for global economic justice for over 20 years, including with War on Want, Amnesty International and Jubilee Debt Campaign. He has been a leading voice in the campaign for a People's Vaccine and a key organiser against neoliberal trade deals. He regularly contributes to publications including The Guardian, Al Jazeera, Open Democracy, Red Pepper and Soundings journal, and has written the book, Pharmanomics: How big-pharma destroys global Health.

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