Resilience Symposium
- Date
Thu 9 May 2024
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
- Venue
- The Circle

Organised by Welcoming Cultures
A one-day symposium in Sheffield celebrating the resilience of marginalized communities, including migrants and individuals with disabilities, showcasing their strategies for overcoming systemic challenges.
Featuring a range of speakers and community organisations including Jiten Patel (Diversync), Terezia Terry (Welcoming Cultures), Helen Sims (Voluntary Action Sheffield) and Kathyrn Littlewood (Sheffield Voices).
The day will comprise a mix of keynotes & interactive panels. Lunch, tea and coffee provided.
Sessions include:
- ‘From Fear to Freedom’ - keynote address from Jiten Patel
- Panel discussion - exploring how businesses and community organisations can support resilience in the workplace
- Joy as an Act of Resistance - exploring how creating shared moments between people can sometimes be the most powerful way of creating solidarity and connection
How can we reimagine our citizenship and our democracy?