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How to Stop Climate Change

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Ales Krivec

In partnership with South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre & the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures

If climate warming continues, our region will change completely, forever.

Our wildlife may die out, our rivers could dry up, and even the trees, hedges and grasses might be gone, replaced by the arid countryside of Mediterranean countries. Droughts and flooding will become more common as extreme weather events increase, and our soil can't respond.

What is being done to protect the green and biodiverse landscape of South Yorkshire? What can ordinary people do about the climate crisis?


Richard Sulley - Senior Research Fellow in Sustainability Policy, Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures


Rachael Rothman - Director of South Yorkshire Sustainability Centre and Co-Director of Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures

Sara John - Sustainability Officer, SYMCA

Tim Newton - Sustainability Manager for the Natural Environment at Doncaster Council

Alban Krashi - Rights of Nature Advocate - The River Dôn Project

John Miller - Senior Lecturer in Nineteenth-Century Literature, based in the School of English at the University of Sheffield; President of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) and Co-Director of Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre (ShARC).

Part of our 2024 festival strand


How can we respond to the climate crisis and biosphere collapse?